Sunday, December 12, 2010

My creative thoughts.

Everyday is a learning process,

You live and you learn

Through experience;

Everyday is something new,

And you require some guidance

Under the curfew;

Everyday is a challenge,

And you need a breakthrough;


Everyday is about you

And how you retain the balance

navigating trough

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I never used to blog before, but i heard a lot about it. I can honestly say that it was an interesting experience. Easy enough even for me to understand. What i enjoyed the most is reading other students blogs, since i love reading. Writing my thoughts was a little hard, because I'm known for my writing skills. For some reason, when it comes down to me writing down my thoughts, i have nothing to say. Even though a minute ago my brain was exploding with ideas.

Sometimes assignments were fun to write about, like Egg assignment. Maybe it was easier because my group won, i dint know...

Lets analyse goals that you set for the blogging assignments:

  1. As i mentioned earlier it was a lot of fun reading other students blogs, their thoughts, their ideas.It definitely helped to get to know them better.

  2. Assignments did help me to link back to the class activities and write down what i remembered, what i thought. One of the assignments that stands out to me is Planning activity ( Egg-celent way to plan). Activity was a lot of fun and writing about it was enjoyable process as well. Now i know how planning works, what are the steps that needs to be followed.

  3. I enjoyed reading your blog, it was very interesting and educational as well. The funniest part was that i did not realise we had to comment on it as well. As i said earlier, i love to read and enjoy the process, but writing back is little torturous for me.

  4. I would honestly say that i was not thinking about grading part up until now. It really was a great opportunity to control part of your grade, to me pretty big part - 20%. I did not perform well on the first two exams and this graded would've been a great help. But i did not exercise that power and truly regret now .

  5. I would not want to lie and say i would continue writing the blog. I' m going to repeat myself again and say I'm great fan of reading, but not writing. I will definitely check back to see if my classmates are continuing to write their blogs, and enjoy reading them.

Should this blog remain component of the course? Yes, definitely yes. As i saw in example of my classmates some people do enjoy writing, and blog gives them opportunity to express themselves, share their thoughts or ideas. Another important aspect is grading - it is worth 20%. It is great help to fix your grade.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dream. VIsion. Action.

Growing up we all dream what we going to become in the future and have some imagery in the back of our mind. That tends to change a thousand times before we actually choose something that interests us, motivates us and we want to devote ourselves to. If we are lucky enough we end up doing what we enjoy and what brings us satisfaction. I believe that vision that you have of yourself or the the vision that you set for yourself plays an important role in making you.
As professor said "Vision without action is just a dream". We do dream a lot, but that doesn't mean our dreams come true. It takes a little more than just a dreaming to make it come true.
I always wanted to be a lawyer and tried to picture myself in the court. But then i realised that you need to get a degree before going to the law school. So decided to go Baruch and get my bachelors in accounting which is also one of my interests. And then next on my list is law school, bar exam and court awaiting....
I have a dream and vision in my mind. And I take action whever necessary that get me closer to my vision and my future...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An Eggs-cellent way to plan and win.
I believe that we went through all the steps, maybe bypassed some. But the results speak for themselves - WE WON.
The moment the clock went on, we started coming up with the ideas, listening to each other and trying to figure out the strength and weaknesses of each idea. From the start we had two ideas going around: first to do the craddle and the second to link straws together and make something long that would decrease the distance of 10 feet from the ground. By the end of 25 minnutes we decided to combine those two ideas. We didn't have plan B in case something went wrong, so we couldn't afford to make a mistake.
In my group everyone was participating. We didn't really allocate roles as to who does what, but when we got the instruments and the clock was on for 10 minutes, everyone somehow knew what to do. Most importantly, none of us were getting in each others way. Everything ran smoothly and our execution proved it as well.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

New York is a place where you can experience every culture in the world. Its a huge pot where all different cultures and backgrounds mixed together.
For me personally it was a big shock, when i first came to New York four years ago. Everything seemed so different, so odd.
We all know the saying "Time is precious". I believe it applies to everyone, without exceptions. But i never really understood the meaning of it up until i came here. Between full-time work and full time school I practically don't have time for myself, to do things i like and see people i love. Your life here just flies in front of your eyes.
Back in my country people also work and go to school, but to me life there is a bit relaxed and not so tense. People are not in a rush. Everything follows its natural course. You get to spend enough time with your family, you get to do things you like.
At the beginning it was very hard for me to pick up this pace, to adjust to it. But now it seems like i always used to be on a run.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hi! My name is Nargiza and I'm from Uzbekistan. I came to this country four years ago full of ambitions and striving for the best. I fell in love with New York right away. It was love from the first sight. And I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
Now here I'm junior at Baruch, majoring in Accounting and hoping to get my masters in another two years.