Sunday, September 26, 2010

New York is a place where you can experience every culture in the world. Its a huge pot where all different cultures and backgrounds mixed together.
For me personally it was a big shock, when i first came to New York four years ago. Everything seemed so different, so odd.
We all know the saying "Time is precious". I believe it applies to everyone, without exceptions. But i never really understood the meaning of it up until i came here. Between full-time work and full time school I practically don't have time for myself, to do things i like and see people i love. Your life here just flies in front of your eyes.
Back in my country people also work and go to school, but to me life there is a bit relaxed and not so tense. People are not in a rush. Everything follows its natural course. You get to spend enough time with your family, you get to do things you like.
At the beginning it was very hard for me to pick up this pace, to adjust to it. But now it seems like i always used to be on a run.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hi! My name is Nargiza and I'm from Uzbekistan. I came to this country four years ago full of ambitions and striving for the best. I fell in love with New York right away. It was love from the first sight. And I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
Now here I'm junior at Baruch, majoring in Accounting and hoping to get my masters in another two years.