Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An Eggs-cellent way to plan and win.
I believe that we went through all the steps, maybe bypassed some. But the results speak for themselves - WE WON.
The moment the clock went on, we started coming up with the ideas, listening to each other and trying to figure out the strength and weaknesses of each idea. From the start we had two ideas going around: first to do the craddle and the second to link straws together and make something long that would decrease the distance of 10 feet from the ground. By the end of 25 minnutes we decided to combine those two ideas. We didn't have plan B in case something went wrong, so we couldn't afford to make a mistake.
In my group everyone was participating. We didn't really allocate roles as to who does what, but when we got the instruments and the clock was on for 10 minutes, everyone somehow knew what to do. Most importantly, none of us were getting in each others way. Everything ran smoothly and our execution proved it as well.


  1. Hello Nargiza,
    Yes I recall all the intensity of that day. We did win and that was great effort on all of our parts. It was interesting how in times of pressure somewhat of strangers can unite for a great incentive!

  2. Congratulations,
    It looks you were in a group what had all knowledge about achieving the goals. My group was not able to approach the stage. It that would happened, a=maybe we could win too.
